2023 Crop Circles

Crop Circles photographed in 2023

The 2023 Image Gallery 

The 2023 crop circle season in the U.K. is now underway. Bookmark this page for the latest updates as we have them.

Please see our Archives for images of crop circles from previous years 1994-2022.

Click here for Copyright Information about the reproduction of images on this website.

Please Help to keep us Flying into the Future: If you have enjoyed looking at our pictures and information please consider making a small donation to keep us flying. There are so few of us left regularly recording the circles it’s really important that we continue. And while some now use drones to record the circles, it is important that there are still images taken from aircraft where the best quality camera equipment can be used and images that include the broad vista of the landscape can be taken. This kind of photography is expensive and it gets harder with each passing year to raise the funds we need to continue our work, but if everyone who regularly looked at this website made a small donation we would meet the funds we need. You can make a donation here.