
Crop Circle Year Book Set (9)

£169.99 £94.99

THE CROP CIRCLE YEAR BOOK SET. A set of NINE books (all the Year Books currently in print). By Steve Alexander (photographer) and Karen Alexander (writer) portraying the beautiful and mysterious crop circle phenomenon within the UK. This popular series of full colour, fine-art-reproduction books are privately published in limited numbers and come to you directly from the authors.
This set currently includes the Crop Circle Year Books currently in print: 2003/2010/2013/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021

These currency conversions are for the full price only. Bought individually the books would cost:
Normal Price: £169.99 GBP | $216.17 USD | €197.68 EUR | $324.74 AUD | $290.15 CAD | $349.31 NZD. Approx.
Our discount price: $114.43 USD | €104.64 EUR | $171.91 AUD | $153.61 CAD | $184.90 NZD. Approx.
So, buying the full set makes sense!

Exact exchange rates can vary over time. Correct as of 15.01.2024

Prices exclude Post & Packing. Prices exclude Post & Packing. 

Paperback: Various page counts
Language: English
Product Dimensions: Each book is 30 x 22 cms (A4)
ISBN: Various


About the Crop Circle Year Books:

The crop circle year books are carefully considered, beautifully designed books. Filled with stunning photography, including many full page landscape views of the crop circles along with overheads and detail shots – by Steve Alexander. The photography is accompanied by articles from Karen Alexander and incisive commentary text throughout. Our Year Books are our flagship product. Self published in small numbers (no big publisher or distributors), they come directly from us to you. Printed on satin finish paper, the materials used to produce these books are top quality. The covers are laminated with gold foil titles. Our books are true collectors items, treasured by all those who have them. In fact they are generally considered to be the most important crop circle document of the year. Proceeds from the sales of these books go directly to fund our continuing coverage of the circles.

What our customers say…

Dear Steve and Karen,

Your utterly astonishing set of yearbooks came yesterday, covering the last 10 years or so. I am so pleased to have them. Thank you, thank you. I think the phenomenon is completely miraculous, and to be proceeding so reliably from year to year. I think no less miraculous is your own consistent dedication and professionalism in producing such a consistent and enormously intelligent response to them from year to year.

Your whole enterprise, – the flying, the photography, the writings & discussions, the geometry and its analysis, the perfect drawings and paintings. I absolutely love it all – You should be being sponsored for every ounce of your endeavours !

I find these books, and their presentations of all aspects, very easy, and fascinating to read. I shall be reading my way through them, for clues and delight, for a while to come; – for ever ! I suppose it is a blessing that mainstream culture ignores it all, and leaves everyone in peace, to enjoy and make the most of this extraordinary phenomenon.

Very best wishes and huge congratulations on all you do!

Peter B

Additional information

Weight 1.8 kg
Dimensions 30 × 21 × 3.2 cm


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