The 2024 Crop Circle Season – Pre-season Information

Last updated: 12th June 2024

The U.K. Crop Circle Season 2024 has begun!

There was a circle reported on June 12th close to Wilton Windmill in Wiltshire. We will post pictures and information as soon as we can. 

Please bookmark this page and revisit for more information as we have it. Alternatively, you can join our newsletter for updates. 

General Pre-Season Info

When will the first circle of 2024 appear?

The first circle reported last year (2023) was on May 28th at Broad Hinton in Wiltshire in Hampshire. It was an early circle in barley. In many years past the season has begun with a circle in the yellow fields of oilseed rape (canola), but we do not always have circles in canola every year. Some years the season will not start until the Barley is tall enough to hold a circle, which can be anytime from late May until June. 

Impact of record wet weather in 2024

We’ve had a very wet spring in the UK which is playing havoc with farming. Many crop fields have been flooded and some of the spring barley and wheat has not been planted. This will undoubtedly impact the number of planted agricultural fields in the UK during 2024.

From the UK government website: “Between October 2023 and March 2024, England experienced the second wettest 6-month period on record. The rainfall was nearly 60% above the 10-year average. Heavy rainfall has a devastating and long-term impact on farming, with soil erosion, crop damage and flooding.”

As of writing we are still experiencing very unsettled weather and awaiting our first circle of the summer. 


When do the crop circles usually appear?

Although it might seem obvious, crop circles occur only during the crop growing season. In the UK the first circles can start to occur in April and May, reaching their height in late July and August. Crop circles do in fact occur all over the world in many countries and obviously they similarly follow growing seasons in that particular part of the world. In the U.S. the crop circles tend to be in soya or corn (maize). 

Where do the crop circles appear?

In the UK most circles occur in the counties of Wiltshire and Hampshire, although circles do happen (in lesser numbers) countrywide. In the early season (April/May) numbers are few but this gradually builds up as the summer moves on, at the height of the season (late July/August) several circles can appear on one night.

The season ends with the harvest (mid-late August) and the slate is wiped clean for another year. In the UK the first crop to mature is oilseed rape (canola), then barley, then wheat – the circles seem to follow this maturation process with the first circles appearing in the brilliant yellow of the canola fields and finishing in mature golden wheat. From time to time circles have appeared in other crops – linseed, borage, oats, even beans.

Keep up with the latest News

Want to be one of the first to know what’s going on? Consider joining our mailing list and following us on social media. We update our mailing list with pictures directly to your inbox and make regular reports via our Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter accounts. You can sign up for our newsletter by visiting the homepage and entering your email address on the box at the bottom. There are links to our Facebook Page and Instagram account at the bottom of each page on the website.

Help us record the circles in 2024

We could not record the circles each year without the help of our much loved supporters. It also helps us to keep the website free of advertising and keeps access to our image library for free. You can make a donation from as little as £5.00 and all the money donated is ploughed straight back into what we do. Making a donation 

Visiting the Crop Circles this summer?

See our Visiting the Crop Circles section for some practical advice. The most important of which is that you will always need the permission of the farmer to enter any field. As the season progresses check out the entry page for each circle for any information we have about access for visitors. 

Reporting Crop Circles and submitting pictures and information

Please do get in touch if you spot a circle. You can email us here. Contact Us
If you have pictures you taken of the circles from the air or ground, you can have them featured on the website – again please contact us and we can arrange for you to send them to us. You will always be credited and we always link back to your social media or webpage. 

Temporary Temples Crop Circle Conference 2024

We will be holding our annual conference online during October 2024. For more information visit our Conference 2024 page. 

You can get access to videos from our previous events here.

While you wait

Check out our image library 1994-2022! 

About the Crop Circles | Visiting the Crop Circles | Shop | About Us 

Please Help to keep us Flying in 2024: If you have enjoyed looking at our pictures and information please consider making a small donation to keep us flying. There are so few of us left regularly recording the circles it’s really important that we continue. And while some now use drones to record the circles, it is important that there are still images taken from aircraft where the best quality camera equipment can be used and images that include the broad vista of the landscape can be taken.

This kind of photography is expensive and it gets harder with each passing year to raise the funds we need to continue our work, but if everyone who regularly looked at this website made a small donation we would meet the funds we need. You can make a donation here.

Image Licencing

We can supply high resolution images of many of our photographs and the sky is the limit as to what they can be used for! Choose from our extensive library or contact us to commission aerial photography for your project.

Find out more






Further Reading

Find out more on the websites below:


