Exploring the Crop Circle Phenomenon together online…
Our 2024 conference has now finished.
Recordings of our presentation are now available
In purchasing tickets at the bottom of this page you will be sent to a link to watch, or download your purchased presentations.
Conference Schedule
Our 2024 conference runs over 5 weekends during October and into November.
Or, when there are Two Speakers on any given day: Speaker 1: 5.00pm – 6.30pm & Speaker 2: 7.00pm – 8.30pm (UK time).
Each lecture runs for approximately one hour with and additional 30 mins of questions and group discussion.
While we hope as many of you as possible will attend the live sessions, we do make video recordings of all our sessions (excluding the ‘Introduction to crop circles & consciousness’ workshop). These recordings will be available for you to stream or download after the event as part of the ticket price. So if your schedule doesn’t allow you to attend, you can still get access to our event.
Saturday 5th October 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Karen Alexander: Your host. U.K. crop circle writer, geometer, consciousness explorer & one half of ‘Temporary Temples’.
Sunday 6th October 2024 6.00 – 8.00pm
Workshop 1: An introduction to Crop Circle Geometry: With Karen Alexander & Geoff Fitzpatrick.
This is 2-hour workshop includes presentations from both facilitators and an optional live drawing session. Get your compasses ready!
Saturday 12th October 5.00pm – 6.30pm Speaker 1
Tom Bree: U.K. based author of ‘The Cosmos in Stone: Sacred Geometry of a Master Mason’ Tom studied the arts under Keith Critchlow at the Kings Foundation of Traditional arts.
Saturday 12th October 7.00pm – 8.30pm Speaker 2
Veronica Goodchild: Crop Circle researcher & author of ‘Songlines of the Soul’. Prof. (emeritus) of Jungian Studies.
Sunday 13th October 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Dan Vidler: U.K. based veteran crop circle researcher specialising in the interior of the crop circles.
Saturday 19th October 5.00pm – 6.30pm Speaker 1
Peter van den Burg: NOR. based crop circle researcher and geometer. Author of the Facebook Page ‘Geometry of the Crop Circles’.
Saturday 19th October 7.00pm – 8.30pm Speaker 2
Marièn Grace: U.S. based crop circle researcher & organiser of the ‘Bay Area Crop Circle Group’.
Sunday 20th October 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Shawn Randall: U.S. based veteran crop circle researcher & psychic channel.
Saturday 26th October 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Nick Gold: U.S. based UAP (UFO) activist at ‘De-classify UAP’ which lobbies the House & Senate for greater UAP transparency.
Sunday 27th October 5.00pm – 6.30pm Speaker 1
Gary King: U.K. based veteran crop circle researcher and creator & host of the ‘Against the Grain’ podcast.
Sunday 27th October 7.00pm – 8.30pm Speaker 2
Geoff Fitzpatrick: IRL. based speaker and workshop leader on sacred geometry, consciousness & mandalas. One half of the Sacred Geometry Academy.
Saturday 2nd November 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Jonathan-Paul de Vierville: U.S. based, veteran crop circle researcher, Prof. (emeritus) of the Humanities.
Sunday 3rd November 2024 – 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Workshop 2: An introduction to Crop Circles & Consciousness: With Karen Alexander & Prof. Jonathan-Paul DeVierville.
This 2-hour workshop includes presentations by both Jonathan & Karen about the role consciousness plays in the crop circle phenomenon and then some group participation work looking at ways we might better engage the crop circles. Please note we do not record this session as people often share their personal experiences and stories.
Scroll down page for biographies and talk synopses for our speakers
Conference Catch-up?
You can now download video recordings from our past four online conferences. Entire video archives from our 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 conferences are available. See the links below.
Purchase video recordings of our 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2023 Conferences at a huge discount
Welcome and Introduction
It has nearly 20 years since we first began hosting our annual conferences and during that time the crop circle phenomenon, while remaining ever present, has changed enormously. The way we think about the subject and interact with the circles has moved on and so has the way we do our conference, with emphasis on community and the sharing of ideas and experiences.
We are also an eclectic event, with speakers not only addressing the crop circles directly, but we also include speakers talking about related topics that may add to our depth of understanding around our main subject matter. Expect to see speakers discussing the UAP subject, sacred geometry, myth and folklore, depth psychology and post Newtonian science.
In the past few years we have moved our conference online to widen the opportunity for people to attend and take part. This format has proved hugely popular, allowing those who would never get to travel to the UK, to now take part in our events. Today, we have a burgeoning and vibrant online community that sees people from all over the globe come together to marvel at and explore this beautiful phenomenon.
Our Introduction to Crop Circle Geometry Workshop with Karen Alexander & Geoff Fitzpatrick, offers both theory and (optional) hands-on drawing exercises to familiarise our attendees with the role of Sacred Geometry in the crop circle phenomenon.
The Introduction to Crop Circles & Consciousness Workshop with Dr. Jonathan-Paul De Vierville & Karen Alexander, looks at what links consciousness with crop circles and opens with the question ‘What brings you here?’ The group widens and deepens to discuss synchronicity, dreams, how the crop circles impact upon the psyche and what that might have to tell us about the phenomenon.
Ticket Tariff & Booking
You can attend as little or as much of the event as you wish.
Ticket prices:
Consciousness & Crop Circles Workshop – £25.00 – We do not record this session.
Geometry & Crop Circles Workshop – £25.00
Individual Lectures – £12.50 each
Whole Event – £100.00
About your Facilitators and Speakers
Karen Alexander is main conference organiser, conference host, workshop facilitator and speaker. Karen is a long time circles researcher (1990-present day) who has for many years brought a thoughtful and introspective touch to researching the crop circles. A highly respected and influential speaker and writer, her work seamlessly fuses sacred art, spirituality, psychology and philosophy – the scholarly and the intuitive. Karen is perhaps best known as the writer behind the annually published Crop Circle Year Books (1999 – 2021) and Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders & Mysteries (Arcturus, 2006 & updated in 2009 & 2012). She is also known for her hand drawn images and paintings of the crop circles which are widely admired and collected. Karen has a background in counselling and psychotherapy and has facilitated and taken part in a number of groups and projects over the last 20 years looking specifically into crop circles and their connection with consciousness.
Dr. Jonathan-Paul DeVierville is conference co-host, workshop facilitator and speaker. He is Professor Emeritus of The Humanities, History and Interdisciplinary Studies (from the Department of Social Sciences at St. Philips College, Texas). He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Licensed Professional Counsellor He owns and directs The Alamo Plaza Spa in San Antonio, Texas and is a regular teacher and speaker on Spa Culture all over the globe. Jonathan-Paul has taught analytical, depth and archetypal psychology and clinical psychotherapy at the post-graduate level and has a particular interest in dream work. In addition to all this he is a committed crop circle experiencer and researcher, with 20 years of first-hand experience in the field.
Dan Vidler is a School teacher, ardent crop circle enthusiast, photographer and webmaster of www.ukcropcircles.co.uk which documents the interiors and ground details of the crop circles. He has been a regular and popular speaker at the Summer Lectures since their inception. Dan has a keen eye for the fine detail of the circles; the lay of the crop and other significant ground details. Each year he presents us with the intrigues and delights of the interior of the circles, so easily missed by all but the most eagle-eyed, accompanied with an eye-watering array of beautiful photography.
Peter van Den Burg has been researching crop circles since 2007. Primarily their geometric properties, gradually expanding his search to the relation crop circles have with the surrounding landscape. His drawings have been featured on the Temporary Temples website for the last few years.
Presentation: Dante’s Hypersphere. What makes for great storytelling is the ability to internalize what is being told. Not only that we can identify with the characters, but also the other way around; The elements in a story presented as analogues for our inner world. The outer world becomes a mirror, and by immersing ourselves in the story, we too become participants in the catharsis of the hero.
For years now the crop circles have presented us images that hint at four dimensional space. Without claiming to have the final word on what these images mean, the idea presented here is that this possibly is not so much about our external reality, but a suggestion to rearrange our inner world. In this presentation i wish to suggest that Dante Alighieri’s timeless journey through the three realms of Creation presents us a world that extends beyond our familiar three dimensions, and by internalizing this presents us a tool for spiritual growth and healing.
Gary King began researching the crop circle phenomenon in 1997. He first came to the publics attention after having been one of the three primary witnesses present at the formation and discovery of the East Field formation on the 7th July 2007. Since then he has lectured both nationally and internationally, and featured in numerous TV productions regarding the phenomenon including the recent film, Crop Circle Realities. Gary is himself a photographer and film maker and worked with the late, great researcher Michael Glickman on their Crop Circle Reporter website for a number of years. Gary brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to his work that is both insightful and intellectually stimulating.
Presentation: The Power of Truth: Why We Oppose Deception. In this thought-provoking presentation, we will delve into the enigmatic world of crop circles, focusing on those that cryptically convey the message, “We Oppose Deception.” As we explore the origins and meanings behind these mysterious formations, we will confront the intense political climate surrounding crop circle research. Researchers who seek to uncover the truth are often labeled as liars by individuals claiming responsibility for creating the circles themselves, leading to a complex web of accusations and counterclaims. The discussion will also extend to conspiracy theories that suggest government involvement in spreading propaganda or covering up the true origins of these phenomena. Through this lens, the presentation will explore the broader philosophical implications of truth and deception in a world where finding the truth has become increasingly challenging. From media manipulation to the rise of disinformation, we will examine how the pursuit of truth is more vital than ever, and why opposing deception is crucial to maintaining integrity in our understanding of the world. Join us as we navigate the intersections of mystery, politics, and philosophy to uncover the power of truth in a world fraught with deception.
Marièn Grace is a long-time crop circle researcher and the founder and director of the Bay Area Crop Circle Study Group. Through this forum she studies the implications of the mysterious phenomenon known as crop circles. Marién is an accomplished speaker on the subject, always focusing through the lens of consciousness. A graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from California Institute of the Arts, Marién Grace uses the arts for expressing her study of meaning and dynamics, now being fed by her passion for the fundamental dive into Sacred Geometry.
Geoff Fitzpatrick was introduced to mandalas whilst studying the pioneering work of Carl G Jung and has spent the past 15 years exploring the intersection of geometry, spirituality and psychology through these symbols. Working with mandalas has opened Geoff to the profound power geometry possesses to influence states of consciousness. The construction of sacred sand mandalas during Geoff’s Mandalanature sessions opens people to a deeper aspect of themselves by blending creativity, geometry and mindfulness in a unique and special way. In addition to his studies at Trinity College and the Milltown Institute, Geoff has trained with Dr. Stanislav Grof MD learning a psychotherapeutic technique called Holotropic Breathwork. Dr. Grof’s cartography of the psyche informs the Manalanature model entirely. Geoff is also a regular visitor to the crop circles, to experience their spaces and contemplate their geometries. Geoff combines his love of Mandalas, consciousness and the circles to form a unique view of this phenomenon.
Dr. Veronica Goodchild is Professor Emerita at Pacifica Graduate Institute, where she taught Jungian psychology and psychotherapy for over 16 years. She grew up in England, studied at London University, and moved to the U.S. in her early 20s, eventually completing her graduate education in New York and California. She practiced as a psychotherapist for many years, before turning to teaching and writing. In the last few years, Veronica has developed Pilgrimage journeys in SW France, Crete and Mainland Greece, and the UK, uniting her interest in myth and legend with visits to sacred sites. Veronica has a keen interest in the intersection of psyche and nature, and began visiting crop circles in 2008. She has traveled extensively in France (where she now lives), Peru, and Egypt, following the hints of her dreams. She is the author of Eros and Chaos: The Sacred Mysteries and Dark Shadows of Love, and of Songlines of the Soul: Pathways to a New Vision for a New Century.
Tom Bree has been involved in the practice and study of Sacred Geometry for over 25 years. This artistic journey emerged from a spiritual awakening, experienced in his early twenties, which eventually led him to the Master-Geometer Professor Keith Critchlow. Tom studied with Professor Critchlow at the Prince’s Foundation between 2001-03 for an MA in Visual Islamic and Traditional Arts (VITA). He has been teaching Sacred Geometry for the past 20 years and is renowned for his joint focus upon both technical practice as well as spiritual meaning. In his approach the spiritual meaning informs the technical practice, and the technical practice then enacts and illumines the spiritual meaning. Between 2010 and 2022 Tom slowly researched the use of geometry, cosmology, musical ratios and arithmetic (the Quadrivium) in the design of English Gothic cathedrals. This culminated in 2023 in publishing his ground-breaking book: The Cosmos in Stone – Sacred Geometry of a Master Mason
Shawn Randall is a long-time veteran crop circle researcher, guide and experiencer. In addition to her crop circle work Shawn is a well-known trance channel and has long time interest in this and connected fields. She has lectured on personal multidimensionality, altered states and channeling for the London College of Psychic Studies and at many other institutions and events all around the globe. Shawn earned her Masters Degree in Transformational Psychology at the University of Philosophical Research in Los Angeles, California.
Nick Gold a UAP activist and founder of ‘Declassify.UAP’ which helps people find and lobby their elected officials on UAP (UFO) transparency. Nick is one of a a growing number of political activists engaging the UAP topic head on. This year will be the third year that the UAP issue will be included in the NDAA – the yearly legislation which sets the budgets and agendas for the Department of Defense in the USA. Nick will be updating us on the growing push for for more UAP legislation that may finally grant the public and the world the truth about the UFO phenomenon. Nick will be updating us on the latest round of legislation, what it means and how you can get involved.