Silbury Hill 2004 Premier Print


Premier Print

30 x 40 inches (76.2 x 101.6cms) Gloss Finish 

Silbury Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire, UK.
2nd August August 2004. Wheat. 400ft. Approx.

This is a special type of print for a very special image. Fujicolor Crystal Archive Digital paper Type DP II is a silver halide colour paper with a thicker base and high stiffness, designed exclusively for digital printing. This paper yields high-image-quality digital prints. It has the highest level of image stability, so it is ideal for display purposes.

Important: These extra large photos are printed upon request. Please expect to wait a little longer for this item.


About this Premier Print: We have had the original medium format transparency of the Silbury Hill formation professionally scanned to produce a very high quality image of this special event in crop circle history.  This is one of Steve’s most famous crop circle photos. This image has been used many times in the media.

Fujicolor Crystal Archive Digital paper Type DP II is a silver halide colour paper with a thicker base and high stiffness, designed exclusively for digital printing. This paper yields high-image-quality digital prints. It has the highest level of image stability, so it is ideal for display purposes for this special crop circle event.

Silbury Hill 2004: This truly magnificent crop circle seemed to combine both Egyptian, Mayan and Greek patterns. The curved wings at the centre are beautifully realized. This large photo shows the formation in all its glory. The formation was located close to the largest man made mound in Europe, Silbury Hill in Wiltshire.

Additional information

Weight 0.20 kg
Dimensions 54 × 9 × 9 cm


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