Woodborough Hill, Alton Barnes 9th June 2012 – Wheat
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In 1992 it played host to a spectacular UFO sighting that is as much part of crop circle lore as bent nodes. On July 25th/26th of that year a group of UFO researchers lead by a US medical doctor, Steven Greer, were conducting a night-watch by the hill. Dr. Geer was the head of an organisation calling themselves CSETI (The Centre for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence). This group travelled all over the world to local UFO hotspots with the novel idea of trying to make contact with any UFOs they encountered. Rather than being passive observers, it was CSETI’s protocol to be pro-active; to actively seek out UFO ‘waves’ and to try to interact with the phenomenon as and when it occurred. It had developed a set of intriguing field protocols which it employed to draw attention to its teams and to signal that they were interested in contact.
As usual, the English weather was being distinctly inclement and uncooperative for the time of year, which had forced Dr. Greer’s group from the top of the hill with all their cameras and equipment. The group had earlier seen what was described as a “cartwheel of light” in the clouds at close range. Many of the group decided to call it a night and head off, but Dr. Greer and several others stayed in their vehicles on the concrete road by the bottom of the hill. At around 12.30am on the morning of the 26th July, there was a banging on the Window of Dr. Greer’s car, another group member was frantically shouting that there was a “spacecraft coming through the field”. There was no use in trying to use cameras in the wet, so Dr. Greer recorded the event using his microcassette recorder. Astonishingly, the group saw a classical UFO which they estimated to be about a quarter of a mile away they described it as having multicoloured lights that rotated counter-clockwise around the base of the craft. They estimated its size as 80-100 feet in diameter. Their report describes the craft approaching them from an opening in the trees; this created some considerable panic, with one member of the group becoming particularly distressed. The team were unable to get accurate bearing with their compass as it kept showing different directions for magnetic north. The craft then seemed to flip up, or change shape to show a triangular display of lights. In the audio recording of the event one person is heard exclaiming that it looked like a Christmas tree. Dr Greer then had the presence of mind to retrieve a halogen lamp from his car and pointing it in the direction of the lights began to signal to them. Astonishingly, the craft responded in kind. After approximately 10 ten minutes the group watched the lights slowly move away from them until they were no longer visible.This incredible sighting was the talk of the crop circle community for years to come and has made Woodborough Hill a famous and popular night-watch spot.

Atop Woodborough Hill in 1994 during an afternoon Steve and I spent with Andrew Collins and his team during his ‘Orgone 94’ experiments.
There have been many crop circles around Woodborough Hill over the past twenty years or so. And the incidents above are only two of the more prominent stories in crop circle literature. On a night-watch at Knapp Hill during the summer of 1994, Steve and I witnessed a huge flash of light above East field, not accountable for as lightning. From Knapp Hill we were looking directly towards Woodborough Hill, the flash was photographed by Andrew Collin’s team and features in his Alien Energy book.
So now, in 2012, there is yet another crop circle in one of the fields surrounding the hill. This time it is a curious set of three sperm-like creatures all seemingly travelling towards the hill. It is a curious design; there is definite movement to it. On the day we flew it was breezy, the movement of the crop as the wind blew over it only added to this impression. Surprisingly, the formation is in very young wheat. It is early to have circles in this crop type, we were lucky we could fly over it on the day it appeared, but even by the time we flew (late afternoon) you could see that the crop was springing up, or had never laid entirely flat. These formations were also relatively small, the largest of the three being approximately 100ft long. The fine lines in the centres of these formations were in some parts indistinct because of the coarseness of the crop and the delicacy of the design. Woodborough Hill could be seen as a great pregnant belly on the landscape, or alternatively as an immense egg. There is something generative in the symbolism of this formation, something fecund about the event itself, an insemination of the landscape, or this magical hill? Interestingly, a couple of nights earlier I had a very powerful dream about witnessing a dramatic UFO sighting on the top of a mountain or hill. Not that I am claiming a definitive extraterrestrial origin for this formation, or the crop circle phenomenon, you’ll understand.Immediately I was drawn to the centres of each of our sperm, or their nuclei if you will. If you are a regular reader of this blog you might remember that I wrote a fairly extensive blog on the ‘alien head’ formations of 2009/10 & 11. There have been a number of formations which have carried this motif over recent years, all were linked geometrically by the use of a vesica, crescent moon and in a couple of cases a crown.
These three little creatures are also of this type, they share geometric links with the ‘alien-head’ family of formations. You can read that blog again here:
Egg Heads: www.temporarytemples.co.uk/blog/a-city-of-pyramids/
A circle, vesica and a crescent moon have been the features of this family type and a couple have carried crown-like features. Fig A Shows the centre of the East Kennet formation from 2011. You can see how the combination of circle, vesica and crescent combine to make an egg-head (or alien-head) motif. Fig B shows the Stanton St. Bernard formation of 2010 in which the head is topped with a crown very similar to what we see in the centre of each sperm in the new Woodborough Hill formation.I have a few other curious observations to make about this formation. One is that the three sperms each have differing numbers in their tails – but they form a sequence. From the smallest to the largest the circles in their tails number 6, 7 and 8 respectively.
You will also notice that the smallest sperm has no fins, while the larger two do. I don’t understand the significance (if any) of these details, perhaps you do? Drawing a formation such as this is always a tricky process. While there is a definite geometry to some of it, for other parts they seem more ‘freehand’, if that is a word one can associate with the crop circles. It took some considerable time to assemble a drawing. I started by looking at their centres as this was where they were at their most geometric. Fig C shows a small preliminary sketch I made of one of them, a circle with a central vesica, a crescent moon and a crown. As I drew, I was struck by the femininity of these elements, taking centre stage in such an overall masculine image. The finished sketch took several hours, then several more hours to paint in the black ink. It might not be ‘strictly’ accurate, but near enough I think to capture the essence of the design. Sadly, this formation became the first to be cut out this year by the farmer. I hear he was anxious to discourage hoaxers making circles in his crops. While one undoubtedly feels for the farmer, who must feel some helplessness in the face of something over which he has no control, years of experience tells us that this method simply doesn’t work. I can’t help thinking that because this formation occurred in such an immature crop, had he left the circle that come harvest time the formation would have been barley visible in the field – most of it would have certainly recovered.KAREN ALEXANDER – JUNE 23rd 2012
Post Script
Sperm has been a subject for the circle-makers previously. The lovely Waden Hill formation of 1st July 2009 is one of my all-time favourite crop circles. It contained 28 sperms around a central space. Twenty-eight is a ‘perfect number’, so called because it is the sum of all its divisors. In keeping with the theme of fertility in this design, 28 days is also the average length of a woman’s monthly cycle. The sperm are contained within a seven-fold flower (with 14 petals). The interplay of numbers is beautiful.
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