Waden Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire
There were two earlier circles reported at Cherhill in Wiltshire and at Tarlton in Gloucestershire. You can find out more about them here.
This circle at Waden Hill is the first circle we have covered in 2017 . It was reported on the morning of the 22nd of April by a local Avebury resident. The circle lays between Silbury Hill and Avebury Stone circle, not far from the avenue of stones which leads into the stone circle at Avebury.
In one of those strange synchronicities that seem to permeate the crop circle phenomenon, Steve had posted a photo to social media of a circle that had appeared at Waden Hill in 2008 just a few hours before this new circle arrived. The circle was extremely similar in design to this new arrival, a series of six nested-crescents with a circle in the centre. To see another circle appear in the same field, in the same crop and of a similar design was uncanny to say the least. You can see the 2008 formation in the Geometry Gallery below.
This circle was approximately 150ft in diameter and is in Oilseed Rape crop (canola). It is a series of six nested-crescents with a cube at the centre. As far as we are aware no tacit permission to visit the circle has been given by the farmer, although it is clear that people have visited the formation.
Photographic Enlargements: are now available of many of the 2017 crop circles click here to see our fantastic range.
Visiting the Circles? If you are thinking of visiting any crop circles this summer, please read our Visiting the Crop Circles section. It’s full of useful information and etiquette for visiting the countryside and the crop circles. Please remember that you should not enter any fields without the express permission of the farmer.
Please Help to keep us Flying in 2017: If you have enjoyed looking at our pictures and information please consider making a small donation to keep us flying. There are so few of us left regularly recording the circles it’s really important that we continue. And while some now use drones to record the circles, it is important that there are still images taken from aircraft where the best quality camera equipment can be used and images that include the broad vista of the landscape can be taken. This kind of photography is expensive and it gets harder with each passing year to raise the funds we need to continue our work, but if everyone who regularly looked at this website made a small donation we would meet the funds we need. You can make a donation here. You could also purchase a photo print of this circle here.
NOTE: Some of the images below are beautiful landscape scenes. Click on each image to enlarge them and see the whole picture.
Image Licencing
We can supply high resolution images of many of our photographs and the sky is the limit as to what they can be used for! Choose from our extensive library or contact us to commission aerial photography for your project.
Geometry Gallery
The similarity between this circle (2017) and one from 2008 (fig.1) is obvious, the difference being the centre. In the 2008 formation a simple standing circle occupies the space, but in the 2017 circle it is an isometric cube that sits in the central space. The cube is in fact a hexagon (a shape with six equal sides and angles) when you draw three lines, one from every second corner into the centre you create a 3D cube. One formation with a circle (the Divine, the heavenly) and one with a cube (the Material Realm). Perhaps these two circles in the same location, but separated by time, are symbolic of the emanation from the Divine to the Earthly?
Drawing this circle was interesting. At first I drew the outline of the crescents using two slightly different centres of curvature for the top and bottom lines, this gave the Pathways between each circle a tapered look that widened toward the perimeter of the design, but as beautiful as it was (fig.2) after consulting some friends and looking again at the picture, it wasn’t right. So I redrew the lines using a single centre of curvature and then simply widened the outline of the design (fig.3), which kept the pathways between the crescents a uniform width, but then widened the pathway around the perimeter of the design, as per the design in the field. I’m pretty sure that is now accurate.
Karen currently has a section of her original paintings (from 2017) for sale. Click here to see the paintings available.
Finally in the Gallery below see the Sugar Hill formation of 2007 – which is filled with lovely little cubes of the variety seen at the centre of this crop circle.
If you’d like to learn more about crop circle geometry we are running a hands-on Crop Circle Geometry Workshop at our annual conference this summer – July 28th-31st July, Devizes, Wiltshire. You can read more about our conference and workshop here.


Oilseed Rape (Canola)

This circle has been harvested.
Google Maps Link