Forest Hill, Wiltshire
This crop circle at Forest Hill, near Marlborough is one of the stand out crop circles of 2014. It is entirely possible that the circle had been in the field for at least a couple of days before it was reported to researchers. The circle measures approximately 250ft. in diameter and is in wheat crop. It contains 135 standing circles of various size arranged in a beautiful spiral design.
Unfortunately the circle has now been cut out by the farmer.
NOTE: Some of the images below are beautiful landscape scenes. Click on each image to enlarge them and see the whole picture.
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Geometry Gallery
This circle took some drawing! The 360° of the circle is divided into 36 slices and then into nine concentric rings around a central circle – creating a grid. Standing circles of differing sizes were etched into the grid spaces to create this fabulous spiral. There are 135 standing circles in the design.