Exploring the Crop Circle Phenomenon Online!
Saturday the 26th of September to Sunday the 31st of October
Our 2020 Conference might be over, but you can still purchase video recordings of the workshops and lectures below.
We had some fascinating and thought-provoking lectures during our 2020 online conference. They covered a whole spectrum of topics related to the crop circle subject. From personal experiences, the beautiful details of the interior of the crop circles, the link between the ancient stone circle building ancestors and the the modern crop circles, links to Ancient Egyptian symbolism, Jungian Psychology, the quest for the Holy Grail and so much more!
We hope you’ll enjoy listening to these presentations and consider joining our growing online community of researchers, enthusiasts and experiencers by attending one of our online events. You might have missed our conference, but we also have our ‘Crop Circle Explorers’ courses, ‘Synchronicity School’ workshops and video archives of our conferences from 2020 to 2022.
Important please note: It may take 24 hours to receive an email from us with the link to your purchased videos. We do not offer an instant access service – thanks for your understanding.
Recordings cost just £10 per lecture and £20 for the Geometry Workshop. Scroll to bottom of page to buy individual tickets.
You can purchase all the recordings for a discount price of £45.00 HERE.
Recordings Available:
Workshop – Karen Alexander & Geoff Fitzpatrick – Introduction to Crop Circle Geometry Workshop
Lecture 1 – Karen Alexander – A Review of the 2020 Crop Circle Season
Lecture 2 – Robin Heath – Contact with Neolithic Geometers and an interaction with the circle-makers
Lecture 3 – Juliet Mathison – Crop Circle Mysteries: Bridging Science and Spirit in the Age of Awakening
Lecture 4 – Ed Conroy – My long-distance love-affair with crop circles and earth energies
Lecture 5 – Geoff Fitzpatrick – Presentation: Crop Circles – Mandalas for the Modern Age
Lecture 6 – Todd Hayen – Crop Circles and Ancient Egyptian Symbolism
Lecture 7 – Veronica Goodchild – Crop Circles and the Mystery of the Grail
Lecture 8 – Dan Vidler – Inside ‘In Formation(s)
Lecture 9 – Jonathan DeVierville – Crop Circles: Stories of Sitting, Sensing & Seeing The Lights
Scroll-down for more information about each of our speakers and their presentations and to purchase video recordings.
About your Facilitators and Speakers
Your Facilitators & Speakers:
Karen Alexander is main conference organiser, conference host, workshop facilitator and speaker. Karen is a long time circles researcher (1990-present day) who has for many years brought a thoughtful and introspective touch to researching the crop circles. A highly respected and influential speaker and writer, her work seamlessly fuses sacred art, spirituality, psychology and philosophy – the scholarly and the intuitive. Karen is perhaps best known as the writer behind the annually published Crop Circle Year Books (1999 – 2019) and Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders & Mysteries (Arcturus, 2006 & updated in 2009 & 2012). She is also known for her hand drawn images and paintings of the crop circles which are widely admired and collected. Karen has a background in counselling and psychotherapy and has facilitated and taken part in a number of groups and projects over the last 20 years looking specifically into crop circles and their connection with consciousness.
Presentation: Review of the 2020 crop circle season
Workshop: Introduction to Crop Circle Geometry
Workshop: Introduction to Crop Circles & Consciousness
Steve Alexander is conference co-organiser. He is an internationally renowned photographer, whose images of the crop circles have graced books, media, documentaries and cinematic films worldwide for over 20 years. Steve has long set the standard by which all other crop circle photography is judged, he is well-known for his influential sweeping landscape images of the circles and his high quality, artistic approach to recording the phenomenon. Steve has a longtime involvement with the crop circles spanning over 30 years. He is perhaps best known for his photography in the Crop Circle Year Books (1999 – 2019), the book Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders & Mysteries (Arcturus 2006 & updated in 2009 & 2012) and for his nine beautiful crop circle films. Steve will be manning his annual stall where you can buy his photos, books and DVDs and will be available to chat throughout the weekend.
Presentation: Review of the 2020 crop circle season
Dr. Jonathan-Paul DeVierville is conference co-host, workshop facilitator and speaker. He is Professor Emeritus of The Humanities, History and Interdisciplinary Studies (from the Department of Social Sciences at St. Philips College, Texas). He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Licensed Professional Counsellor He owns and directs The Alamo Plaza Spa in San Antonio, Texas and is a regular teacher and speaker on Spa Culture all over the globe. Jonathan-Paul has taught analytical, depth and archetypal psychology and clinical psychotherapy at the post-graduate level and has a particular interest in dream work. In addition to all this he is a committed crop circle experiencer and researcher, with over 15 years of first-hand experience in the field.
Your 2020 Speakers: (in addition to your facilitators/speakers above)
Juliet Mathison has been an avid crop circle enthusiast since the early 1990s. Following a profound experience in a crop circle in 2008, Juliet found herself intuitively incorporating certain crop circle energies into her healing practice – with some rather amazing results. As a lifelong student of Sacred Geometry, she recognized how certain crop circles naturally interface with the geometries of the Human Instrument, via the chakra system, the bio-field, and ultimately the DNA itself. She is delighted to share some of these findings with you this weekend, together with some down to earth hard fact science that might just surprise you! Juliet Mathison is director of Life Spectrum Institute: Healing Arts Education for New Paradigm Consciousness. Offering a variety of courses for professional practitioners, Juliet teaches principles of higher dimensional physics and other leading edge concepts where science and spirituality are reunited. She also maintains a private practice in Sarasota, Florida, USA, and is co-author of the book ‘Transform Your Life’
Presentation: Crop Circle Mysteries: Bridging Science and Spirit in the Age of Awakening.
We are living in times of unprecedented change. Old order paradigms are crumbling and a new consciousness is being birthed onto the planet. What role do the crop circles play in all of this? What are they? Why are they here and how do we relate to them? Join us for an exploration of these questions and more, as we approach the subject from both sides of the brain. The left brain wants hard facts. It says “show me the science”. We will. The right brain says ” How do I feel about this? How can I actually experience it? Can this further my spiritual evolution?” We will go there too. Ready to play outside the box? The crop circles can take you there…
Ed Conroy is the author of Report on Communion (Morrow, 1989; Avon, 1990), the result of his investigation of Whitley Strieber’s visitor experiences as related in his bestselling initial UFO-related book, Communion: A True Story. He was also a contributor to The Communion Letters, writing articles on his visits to Dulce, New Mexico and Gulf Breeze, Florida, among other topics. In the early 1990s he contributed in the Spanish language to the Barcelona-based magazine Más Allá de la Ciencia, writing on the crop circle phenomenon and other UFO-related topics. He served in the 1980s and early ‘90s as an arts and culture writer and columnist for the San Antonio Express-News, in San Antonio, Texas, for which he has regularly contributed book reviews for the past 15 years. He has served as a commentator and contributor to programming for San Antonio’s Public Broadcasting Service-affiliate KLRN-TV, and written essays on Mary Magdalene and profiles as well for the National Catholic Reporter. For the past 27 years he has served as an administrator and director of development at such San Antonio arts institutions as he Carver Cultural Center, Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center, the San Antonio Symphony and, for the past 21 years, as director of development for Southwest School of Art, Texas’ only independent college of art. Educated at California Institute of the Arts’ School of Critical Studies, the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, and the University of Texas at San Antonio, he is a fully bilingual and bicultural fourth-generation San Antonio with deep personal and cultural roots on both sides of the US-Mexico border. He is the former husband of the late Dora Ruffner, and proud father to Brigid Conroy, now at Harvard Divinity School.
Presentation: My long-distance love-affair with crop circles and earth energies
Ed Conroy will describe how anomalous experiences in nature as a boy, teenager and young man impelled him on a journey that led him to the practices of Zen meditation and dowsing plus study of the Tarot; to an incurable case of megalithomania; to research into UFO and close-encounter phenomena; and, for the last 29 years, to his long-distance (and, in 2003, up-close) love affair with crop circles. He will offer suggestions as to how people who live far away from areas where crop circles appear may still connect, in consciousness, with their energies.
Geoff Fitzpatrick was introduced to mandalas whilst studying the pioneering work of Carl G Jung and has spent the past 15 years exploring the intersection of geometry, spirituality and psychology through these symbols. Working with mandalas has opened Geoff to the profound power geometry possesses to influence states of consciousness. The construction of sacred sand mandalas during Geoff’s Mandalanature sessions opens people to a deeper aspect of themselves by blending creativity, geometry and mindfulness in a unique and special way. In addition to his studies at Trinity College and the Milltown Institute, Geoff has trained with Dr. Stanislav Grof MD learning a psychotherapeutic technique called Holotropic Breathwork. Dr. Grof’s cartography of the psyche informs the Manalanature model entirely. Geoff is also a regular visitor to the crop circles, to experience their spaces and contemplate their geometries. Geoff combines his love of Mandalas, consciousness and the circles to form a unique view of this phenomenon.
Workshop: Introduction to Crop Circle Geometry
Presentation: Crop Circles: Mandalas for our Modern Age.
There are many similarities between traditional Mandalas and the formations that grace the fields each year. Both broadly; Encompass
– Geometric designs
– Signify a sacred enclosure
– Are encoded with information that reveals itself to those in an appropriate state of receptivity
– They remind the viewer of the immanence of sanctity in the universe and it’s potential in oneself.
– They assist in our journey of transformation
In this presentation Geoff will share insights from his study of traditional mandalas and show how these principles apply to Crop Circles. The explicit mandala motif manifested in the Smeathe’s Plantation Formation 2020 will be included in Geoff’s presentation.
Todd Hayen is a practicing psychotherapist in Toronto, Canada. His current interests include Crop Circle research, regression therapy, parapsychology, alternative Egyptology (Khemitology), the psychology of music, Jungian archetypal psychology and consciousness studies. Before studying psychology, Todd was a composer, orchestrator, and conductor in the Hollywood motion picture industry. He also specializes in the treatment of artists, musicians, dancers and actors and addresses the unique issues that creative types encounter in life. He holds an MA in Consciousness Studies, an MA in Counselling Psychology, and a PhD in Depth Psychotherapy. Todd grew up in Virginia, USA; his parents were both professional actors and taught theatre at Shenandoah University. Todd moved to Los Angeles in 1980 and then relocated to Toronto in 2011. He is married to Cindy Hayen who also is a Registered Psychotherapist and specializes in animal (canine) assisted therapy. Todd’s most current book is Ancient Egypt and Modern Psychotherapy: Sacred Science and the Search for Soul (Routledge). He is chief editor of the International Journal of Regression Therapy and is core faculty at The Living Institute, a transpersonal psychology school in Toronto.
Presentation: Crop Circles and Ancient Egyptian Symbolism
The meaning, and purpose, behind ancient Egyptian symbolism has recently taken on new dimensions in definition and understanding. The early Victorian and Eurocentric archeologists interpreted the Egyptian pantheon and the symbols the Egyptians used in their hieroglyphs, funerary rites and religious practice in a rather limited fashion. It wasn’t until the famed researcher R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz came on the scene in the late 1930’s that we began to see the true meaning behind the architecture, geometry, and other symbols the ancients used to express their own unique cosmology that represented to them a clear view of life, death, and their physical environment. Crop circles and this ancient Egyptian perspective of the universe have a central point of commonality: the importance of symbolism. Few would probably argue that the circles are primarily an expression through abstract symbol and geometry. What can we learn about crop circles through a study of the Egyptian’s use and meaning of symbols? And what can we learn about ancient Egypt through our study of the symbology of crop circles?
Robin Heath is an independent researcher into ancient wisdom, specialising in archaeoastronomy and megalithic culture. He has written nine books on this and allied subjects, including the best selling Sun Moon & Stonehenge: Proof of High Culture in Ancient Britain, Power Points: Secret Rulers & Hidden Forces in the Landscape and Alexander Thom: Cracking the Stone Age Code. In a varied career Robin has enjoyed being a research scientist in computer chips, a marketing manager in electronics, a senior lecturer in mathematics and engineering and head of department in a college of further education. Since 1974 he has also been practicing as an astrologer and is a highly regarded astrologer who has taught in all the leading schools of astrology in the UK and been the editor of the international Astrological Association Journal
Presentation: Funny Things Happen at Summer Lectures
Contact with Neolithic Geometers and an interaction with the circle makers
Robin Heath prepared this talk during the last few days prior to the 2019 Summer lectures, held in Devizes. Upon arrival on the Sunday, it rapidly became apparent that the Clear Wood crop circle, which had appeared during that same week, was designed to incorporate much of the design features of a large Neolithic landscape triangle that formed the basis of Robin’s most recent research, the results of which were previously only known to him.The central design of this crop circle was so similar in its size and geometry that it could have been used as a teaching aid during his talk, and many more synchronous events have occurred in Robin and Trish’s life ever since. This talk will explain the whole business and can change the way we look at both the enduring temples that survive from the Neolithic period and the (very) temporary temples that provide the best landscape art on the planet for the education and stimulation of the current generation of inquisitive humanoids.
Dan Vidler is a School teacher, ardent crop circle enthusiast, photographer and webmaster of www.ukcropcircles.co.uk which documents the interiors and ground details of the crop circles. He has been a regular and popular speaker at the Summer Lectures since their inception. Dan has a keen eye for the fine detail of the circles; the lay of the crop and other significant ground details. Each year he presents us with the intrigues and delights of the interior of the circles, so easily missed by all but the most eagle-eyed, accompanied with an eye-watering array of beautiful photography.
Presentation: Inside ‘In Formation(s)’
So many of these incredible designs, every summer, inspire awe and wonder, spark discussion, debate, reflection and intrigue, and leave us perplexed by their beauty, mystery and possible meaning. Looking more closely, at ground level, adds another layer to our understanding, or perhaps lack of understanding, of this phenomenon. What appears to be impossible layering of stems, detail in woven crop down to a single piece of wheat, changes in direction of ‘flowing’ crop and effects seen from the air caused by intricate patterns on the ground reflect the magic and (almost) impossibility that we are lucky enough to witness every summer. The 2020 crop circle season has provided yet more evidence of this magic, including rare and unique details which have ‘raised the bar’ even further!
Dr. Veronica Goodchild is Professor Emerita at Pacifica Graduate Institute, where she taught Jungian psychology and psychotherapy for over 16 years. She grew up in England, studied at London University, and moved to the U.S. in her early 20s, eventually completing her graduate education in New York and California. She practiced as a psychotherapist for many years, before turning to teaching and writing. In the last few years, Veronica has developed Pilgrimage journeys in SW France, Crete and Mainland Greece, and the UK, uniting her interest in myth and legend with visits to sacred sites. Veronica has a keen interest in the intersection of psyche and nature, and began visiting crop circles in 2008. She has traveled extensively in France (where she now lives), Peru, and Egypt, following the hints of her dreams. She is the author of Eros and Chaos: The Sacred Mysteries and Dark Shadows of Love, and of Songlines of the Soul: Pathways to a New Vision for a New Century.
Presentation: Crop Circles and the Mystery of the Grail
Synopsis: Approaching the phenomena of Crop Circles in a symbolic manner, I will select the Clear Wood formation from 2019 (which I visited), and another one from this season, dubbed ‘The Grail.’ There are many descriptions of what the grail ‘is,’ but one of them is that it is a stone that fell from heaven. On a symbolic level, this suggests that our time, which can arguably be described archetypally as characterized by the grail myth – (the rise of the feminine, the need to unite opposites, the necessity of valuing the imagination as a co-creative function, and facing our personal and collective shadows) – also has to do with the union of spirit and matter. For me, the crop circles do just that. They appear on earth, in fields of grain, and yet they embody the most complex geometries that underlie all creation, and which precede our being here at all. The grail stories involve a journey where the challenges make you ready for ‘the question’ and prepare you for the ‘vision.’ Do the formations engage us with these mysteries as well? I hope to explore some of these ideas with you.