With the 2011 crop circle season already underway, I thought it might be a good idea to have a few catch-up blogs looking at some of the formations so far…

Obeying the rules? But who wrote them?!
Hannington, Wilts, reported 7th May 2011. Oilseed Rape (Canola)

Hannington, Wilts, 7th May 2001 - diagram by Karen AlexanderAfter the imperfections of several of the formations so far this season, looking at the crop circle at Hannington was like putting on a favourite pair of comfortable shoes. Here the geometry was not in question. The formation was a well proportioned three-fold design. Three circles of the same diameter are interlinked to create a trefoil – a three fold shape made from intersecting Vesicas*.

* A Vesica Piscis is the almond shape created when a circle is drawn, then another circle of the same diameter is drawn whose perimeter intersects the centre of the first circle.

In this circle you can see how three almond shapes have combined to make the trefoil shape in the centre (in black). This shape is often found in the stone tracery of church windows where it is symbolic of the holy trinity, or as a Celtic knot where the shape is shown as a ribbon that has no beginning and no end. The trinity could also be seen as body, mind and spirit, or the alchemical salt, sulphur and mercury. There are many threes in mythology and human culture.

Numerically three is considered the first new ‘whole’ after the splitting of unity. This fundamental reality is embedded into our culture in surprising ways, we call maths our 1, 2, 3s, writing our A, B, Cs – we say, “Ready, steady Go!” Units of three, creating a new whole, are all around us.

In sacred geometry, unity, (or one – the circle) is split into two to create the almond-shaped Vesica Piscis (as described above). Three is achieved by next creating an equilateral triangle. The centre point of both circles are connected by drawing a straight line between them, then each end of the line is connected to the apex of the vesica – thus creating your triangle. The triangle is the first true shape to be birthed from the vaginal vesica, hence it is the first new whole after unity itself.

I heard the formation referred to as the triple womb, or the womb of the triple Goddess. This is beautifully apt. The triangle is the first progeny (or child) of unity. One can now see clearly why Christ was often depicted in the almond of the vesica in many classical paintings. Coming so near to the start of the 2011 crop circle season, it seemed that here we were perhaps witnessing the birth of something new.

Clearly, this crop circle obeyed one of the fundamental (but unwritten) rules of crop circle lore – it was geometrically sound. Yet even so, this circle was not to escape criticism, apparently it did not adhere to another of these unwritten rules – that all ‘real’ crop circles are near perfect inside. The Hannington circle, it was reported, was ‘messy’ inside.

I was momentarily upset by this. I’m a big fan of Messi. But then happily I found I was thinking about something else completely.

But I do wonder who ‘wrote’ these rules? Who decided what level of damage is not acceptable, or even that ‘real’ circles have little or no damage? I also, from time to time, wonder where the evidence or research is to back up the validity of these rules we so liberally apply?

More than any of these considerations, for me, heavy reliance on this kind of ‘forensic’ investigation is routed firmly in the outgoing mental/rational mindset of our age. For over more than the twenty years that I have been involved in this subject, the researchers that have come and gone have looked for the magical ‘litmus test’ to tell them which circles are real and which are not. For all our searches, for all the excellent people that have been engaged in the quest, we have not found it, and I can’t help but wonder if the reason we are so confounded is because we are perhaps asking entirely the wrong question. Perhaps we need an approach to the crop circles that is as unique and as innovative as the subject itself. Perhaps our mental/rational mindset is not up to this job? Perhaps we should be reaching for something new?

Hannington, Wiltshire, 7th May 2011 - diagram by Karen AlexanderMany see the circles as being a manifestation of or expression of some impending change in human consciousness. If they are right, we may find that we need to look at how narrow our approach to the subject can be.

Meanwhile, the poor Hannington circle, it seemed, was sadly inching perilously towards the black oblivion of the dreaded ‘crop circle trash-can’… So I decided to get out my trusty drawing board.

As I drew the Hannington circle I thought again about the idea of it being a three-fold womb. So I decided that I would recreate the basic three-fold geometry, and draw a pentagon and pentagram emerging from the womb. Five-fold geometry is the geometry of life, it is found in the proportions and growth patterns of all living things. The pentagon is achieved using the geometry of the three main circles, so it is not placed arbitrarily, but geometrically. The drawing was a prayer for the safe birth of many more crop circles and for new ideas, new approaches and new life to be perpetually breathed into this wonderful subject.