Crop Circle Explorers
Mini Courses
Geometry Video Sessions
A series of two-part pre-recorded video sessions + additional materials
We have been running our Crop Circle Explorers courses for over two years now and as part of these courses we draw the particular crop circles we are working with using compass and straight edge.
Drawing the circles is an enlightening, meditative process where one gets to explore and become familiar with the formations in a way not possible by any other means.
Because our Explorer courses are quite a big commitment (4 weeks), we thought we would offer the drawing parts of the courses as mini courses for those interested only in the drawing, or for those who would like a taster of what our courses contain. These videos are pre-recorded, so these is no live sessions, meaning you can access them whenever suits you. They could also form an ongoing series of drawing exercises that could help develop your own drawing practice.
What each mini course contains
Each of these mini courses contains the following.
- Printable image of the crop circle we will be drawing
- Printable image of the completed drawing
- PDF – Preparing to Draw
- PDF – Additional Drawing Equipment
- Video – Preparing to Draw
- Video – Drawing Part One
- Video – Drawing Part Two
All these items will be stored in a Google Drive Folder to which you will be provided a link and they can be streamed or downloaded whichever suits you best.
In Detail
The language that underpins the phenomenon
We will be unpacking the geometry, numbers and ratios, inviting you to re-create each circle for yourself as part of fully immersing yourself in this beautiful mystery. Together we will explore the language that underpins the phenomenon and learn about the implicit order and creative principle it reveals.
Preparing to Draw
The Preparing to Draw PDF is an introduction to the drawing process. Designed for our Explorers courses it takes you through the equipment you’ll need to start your drawing work.
Similarly, the Preparing to Draw Video will take you through a familiarisation with your drawing equipment and take you through a basic geometric exercise to get you accustomed to using a compass and marking your drawings. This is an exercise you can use as often as you like for practice while you develop your accuracy skills.
The Additional Drawing Equipment PDF will take you through some of the additional bits and bobs you might like to try if you go on to make drawing geometry a regular practice.
Drawing Sessions Parts One and Two
The drawing sessions for each of the crop circles we will be working with are split into two sessions. The first session is a First Principles Session, where we might look in detail at one of the geometric principles at work in that particular crop circle. For example, for a pentagonal based crop circle we may look at Division by Five in this first principles session. With some of the more complex circles we may begin the drawing in part one and then complete the drawing in part two.
The Main Drawing Session is usually contained in part two and is the longer of the two sessions. As this is a pre-recorded session, you can stop and start the video as often as you like to suit your speed and pace.
Additional Materials
In addition to the above, there will also be a Printable Photo File of a of the circle you will be drawing for reference and one or more Printable Illustration Images of the drawings you can also use for reference as you draw. These can be invaluable in tracking the final destination of the drawing exercises. There may be from time to time additional materials as each session requires.
Do I need to Draw to enjoy these video sessions?
Absolutely not. While these sessions are designed for you to draw along with, you may equally enjoy watching the development of the geometry on the screen to deepen your understanding of both the crop circles featured and the sacred geometry that underpins them.
Accessing the Courses
The materials for each of our mini courses are uploaded to our Google Drive and upon your booking you will be sent a welcome email and a link to the Goggle Drive Folder in question. The link will open the course folder on your desktop and you will be able to open, or download the files from there. The individual files are numbered so you will know the order in which to use the files.
Booking Your Ticket/s
Booking is easy. We have have an integrated facility to book your tickets at the bottom of this page. Choose the crop circles you wish to draw and buy the corresponding tickets.
Course Tariff
Each mini Crop Circle Explorers Geometry Course is just £19.99 each. There is a small discount for those buying all the available courses at once.
What happens when you’ve booked your ticket?
Important Notes:
You will receive an immediate acknowledgement of your booking in an automatic email, but you will need to wait up to 24-48 hours for a further email containing the link for the the course/s you have booked for.
If you have not heard from us please check your Junk email folder – sometimes these emails can get placed in there in error. You can also add our email address to your contacts/address book in your email program, this will help the emails not be filtered into your Junk folder. Our email address is: events@temporarytemples.co.uk
We welcome any questions you might have. Please email us we’ll be pleased to help if we can.
Mini Couses Available by Crop Circle…
Please purchase your ticket for your chosen mini-courses by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
1. Calstone, Wiltshire, UK – 2016
2. Ogbourne St. George, Wiltshire, UK – 2020
3. Chisbury Ring, Wiltshire, UK – 2010
4. Cley Hill, Wiltshire, UK – 2010
5. Cley Hill, Wiltshire, UK 2017
6. Mixon, Wiltshire, UK – 2028
About your Hosts
The drawing videos as part of these mini courses are devised and lead by Karen Alexander. They are co-hosted by both Karen and Geoff Fitzpatrick.
Karen Alexander Karen is a long time circles researcher of over 30 years (1990-present day), who has for many years brought a thoughtful and introspective touch to researching the crop circles. A highly respected and influential speaker and writer, her work seamlessly fuses sacred art, spirituality, psychology and philosophy – the scholarly and the intuitive. Karen is perhaps best known as the writer behind the annually published Crop Circle Year Books (1999 – 2020) and Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders & Mysteries (Arcturus, 2006 & updated in 2009 & 2013). She is also known for her hand drawn images and paintings of the crop circles which are widely admired and collected. Karen has a background in counselling and psychotherapy and has facilitated and taken part in a number of groups and projects over the last 25 years looking specifically into crop circles and their connection with consciousness.
Geoff Fitzpatrick was introduced to mandalas whilst studying the pioneering work of Carl G Jung and has spent the past 15 years exploring the intersection of geometry, spirituality and psychology through these symbols. Working with mandalas has opened Geoff to the profound power geometry possesses to influence states of consciousness. The construction of sacred sand mandalas during Geoff’s Mandalanature sessions opens people to a deeper aspect of themselves by blending creativity, geometry and mindfulness in a unique and special way. In addition to his studies at Trinity College and the Milltown Institute, Geoff has trained with Dr. Stanislav Grof MD learning a psychotherapeutic technique called Holotropic Breathwork. Dr. Grof’s cartography of the psyche informs the Manalanature model entirely. Geoff is also a regular visitor to the crop circles, to experience their spaces and contemplate their geometries. Geoff combines his love of Mandalas, consciousness and the circles to form a unique view of this phenomenon.
Some of the beautiful mandalas created as part of our 4-part Crop Circle Explorers courses…

A beautiful mandala created by Marién on one of our workshops. Based on the Cley Hill crop circle of 2010
Here’s what some of our fellow Crop Circle Explorers have had to say about our courses and workshops
Karen and Geoff hosted a wonderful deep dive into this many-layered phenomenon through an intensive geometric exploration of a single crop circle over four weeks. I found the focused drawing experience fascinating, group sharing profoundly moving, and the guided meditations stellar. I highly recommend Crop Circle Explorers – their next session is not to be missed! – Scott Onstott, Secrets in Plain Sight
This course was a perfectly balanced mix of lectures, group-sharing, Mandala work and guided meditation. Each part designed to enhance the other. I enjoyed it very much. – Peter van den Burg, Geometry of the Crop Circles (FB)
Karen Alexander and Geoff Fitzpatrick present a window into crop circle research that expands possibilities and becomes personal for those who participate in their workshops. My own delight in this subject was nourished by their intimate knowledge and genuine open interest. The ability to interact with other sincerely dedicated crop circle enthusiasts was also truly valuable. It helps to know we are not alone, with each other as humans and beyond! – Marién Grace, Director-Bay Area Crop Circle Study Group
Delving into the crop circle geometry was mental therapy, encouraging calmness and focus of the mind. I found the process a meditative experience especially so when combined with Geoff’s playlist. I thoroughly enjoyed working and sharing with fellow enthusiasts from around the planet. Highly recommend this journey – Darren
It is a wonderful thing to stumble into the world of crop circles, to find admiration and awe, wonderment and zeal in these living creations made manifest in pattern adorning a field of grain. So much the more astonishing to then learn that these formations arise from, and are underpinned by, a whole canon of metaphysical structure ensconced in Number. In fact, geometry is Number in Space. I realized, after some years of feeling adrift, that my high school sophomore year geometry class had received an impoverished rendition of the subject, that we had been short-changed. My fellow students and I heard nothing about the magical qualities of number, only numbers’ secular usefulness in measurement and calculation in agriculture, commerce and war, without regard for its basis in nature. In the crop circle and sacred geometry arena, people who teach, inform, motivate and support other aspirants are few, and the best are rare. Karen Alexander and Geoff Fitzpatrick are two of them. They run a tight show that should be experienced by multitudes. Do everything you can to join them and you too shall be rewarded with spiritual enrichment. – Mark
First of all, I am so profoundly grateful for the opportunity to join the group and actually engage with the crop circle. It was a happy day when I stumbled upon the link to the course. I really appreciate the time and dedication you have given to providing a connection to these beautiful and mysterious creations. I was very excited about the drawing. Your instruction, Karen, was great. Very clear and patient! In preparation I had done a few online mandala/Islamic pattern classes because it’s been ages since I used a compass, and it was much harder than I imagined. But at some point I realized it was OK if it wasn’t perfect, and then I could enjoy it more. Geoff, I also really appreciated your cheerful presence and loving guidance. I loved your insights into the geometry of this circle. And the soundtracks were great! Listening to the other participants too was so interesting and inspiring. All in all, it was a very rich experience – Meryl
I attended Temporary Temple’s online conference in the autumn of last year and having enjoyed it very much, was enthusiastic about any future events which might be organised; I was keen to find out more when the new Crop Circle Explorers course was advertised.
All the details and information about the course were set out on the website, along with clear aims and objectives; booking and paying for the course was straightforward. Once the course commenced, communication was good and included instructions about materials for the coming week, where to find things and also prompts for our own follow up homework between sessions. Care was taken to remind participants about what to expect the following week. The course was meticulously planned and I felt supported at each step. Over the four weeks, time was allocated for presentations by the course hosts, geometry sessions, meditations and sharing / listening to the experiences of others. Karen and Geoff worked to provide a warm, welcoming and safe online space where everyone was heard with respect. The shared ideas and unique insights into the Calstone crop circle went beyond anything I might have expected. It was great to take time in this way to meet and share ideas with others who are also interested in the complexity, beauty and mystery of the crop circle phenomenon – Julie
Beloved Karen and Geoff, I just have to tell you how thrilled I was to see those perfect petals encircling the radiating design. I’ve been drawing petals freehand for 25 years without thinking about the purity of the exact and balanced form and what it lends to the mandala. I’m definitely loving this crop circle now.And I am fascinated with the process of compass and straightedge without resorting to protractor and other gizmos to figure out the measurements for the forms. Love it. And, Geoff, your enthusiasm for your Mandala Nature process is wonderful and engaging. Thank you for describing it so thoroughly and with such love. Great exploration, you two. Thank you – Ansula
I find these courses very interesting and exciting, because I feel drawn to this phenomenon of exploring crop circles and nobody else is even interested among my friends. During these courses we can talk about anything connected to the crop circles. Many people with different backgrounds can give their different points of view. The range is from scientific measuring angles, ratios, etc. to the mystical thoughts invoked when you do a journey to the heart of a particular circle. Connections have been projected to the Universe or astrologically proposed. The possible understanding is infinite and maybe beyond our human comprehension – Sandra
This was my second course with Crop Circle Explorers and it was a great experience – unique in fact. I came away feeling as though I had visited the Ogbourne St George formation in person after perusing the maps and wonderful panoramic photographs of the Wiltshire landscape, shared by Karen in her introduction to the course. I gained an appreciation of the setting of the crop circle within the larger context of its relationship to the ancient landmarks and monuments, of which there are many within the area. I really enjoy the balance of presentations, meditations, geometry lessons, mandala-making and sharing time in these courses; there are also excellent resources which are downloadable to keep. The course coordinators, Karen and Geoff are warm and wise hosts who welcome each participant and create a group ethos where experiences relating to the crop circle may be shared and respectfully heard. It’s a privilege to meet with others from around the globe in this virtual space, all brought together by a common interest in the crop circle phenomenon. – Julie E