The Magnificent Sevens: Series of Lectures & Workshops

The Magnificent Sevens: Lectures, Workshops & Discussion

An ongoing series of events exploring seven-fold geometry in the crop circle phenomenon

Hosted & presented by Karen Alexander 

NEW – Session 2: Sunday 30th March 2025

2-hourly session 6-8pm UK time

Tickets £25.00 per session – booked individually
Use the button below to purchase ticket for session 2

If you have any difficulties booking your ticket please email us. 


Missed Session One?
Video and materials are now available for purchase of
Session 1

Use the PayPal button below to purchase Session 1

Welcome to our brand new online event series


The double-sevenfold Roundway splash of 1999

This brand new event is something a little different. At the end of 2024 I decided to undertake a survey of the ways in which the number seven and seven-fold geometry, have both presented and expressed themselves, and unfolded in the crop circle phenomenon. I have long been drawn to the number seven and it lies at the heart of one of my most significant encounters with the crop circles. 

This course will be for beginners and veterans alike. There will be something to interest everyone, no matter your knowledge of the subject matter. 

There is something very special about the number seven and its connections to the divine feminine, spirit, light, music and time. It is scarce in nature and so too in the crop circles. In all the thousands of crop circles that have appeared over the last 30 years, sevens have been rare. My old mentor, the late veteran crop circle researcher Michael Glickman, was always particularly delighted to see a new sevenfold formation. I think he saw the connection between sevenfold geometry and the feminine as a metaphor for the crop circle phenomenon itself, he often referred to the circle-makers as ‘the girls’. On the side of his house in Horton, Wiltshire, he had a metallic rendering of the Roundway Splash (above) –  everyone driving down the road could see it!

Division by seven (after John Michell) – using square & triangle

Another follower of the crop circles, the late, geometer and antiquarian, John Michell, described seven as being connected with ‘the Divine feminine, Spirit, Revelation and what lies beyond the Veil’. Seven’s specialness can be found in the geometry of Stonehenge and the Lady chapels of the great Gothic cathedrals. It has also been found in some of the most intriguing crop circles of the past 30 years. 

In this ongoing event I will be exploring a number of key ‘seven-formations’ and as I do so, I am hoping to share them with you in a series of online sessions. I’ll be presenting a combination of information, research and the opportunity to draw with me some beautiful seven-formations. These sessions will also include time for group discussion of the material and the crop circles I’m presenting. 

Tracking, tracing and following the unfolding of this number in the crop circle phenomenon will give us an opportunity to look more deeply at how the crop circle phenomenon communicates across time, space and to the psyche. It will also be a live and active piece of ongoing research, that will hopefully provide some further insights into this beautiful and mysterious phenomenon. I’m hoping it’s going to be a fascinating and compelling journey. 

If you haven’t already, please join our newsletter for first notice about this and other events.

Dates and Times

Seven-fold flower & cube at West Woods 2019

NEXT: Session 2, Sunday 30th March 2025 

Each session will be announced as they are ready. There is no set time table. I will announce each workshop as and when I have something new to share. As an indication, I’m not planning more than one session per month. 

Each session will run for 2-hours each and will be held online using the Zoom App.

The sessions will run from 6pm – 8pm UK time. Please check for the equivalent where you are. 

Each session will be a stand-alone event, but each new session will be informed by all the previous sessions. 

Click here to check the time where you are




The great East Field sevenfold ‘fractal’ of 1998

What will we be exploring?

1. The number Seven and its Forms

We will firstly work to develop a deeper understanding of the number seven

  • The symbolism of seven in myth and legend
  • The qualities and properties of seven as a number
  • The construction of sevenfold forms; including the heptagon, the two sevenfold stars (heptagrams), and the sevenfold ‘flower of spirit’.
  • Seven and its relationships to other significant numbers 
  • We will build together a portfolio of information and resources that we can reference as we explore the sevenfold crop circles themselves

2. Classifying seven in the crop circle phenomenon 

  • Type 1: Exoteric sevenfold geometry in the crop circles
  • Type 2: Esoteric sevenfold geometry on the crop circles
  • Type 3: Crop Circles with seven elements or components 
  • Type 4: Crop Circles which have links to seven in their dates, locations, or in synchronicities and other connections

3.  Identifying & exploring crop circles with a link to seven

  • We will build a historical list of crop circles with links to the number seven.
  • We will be investigating a selection of crop circles linked with the number seven, building a selection of geometrical drawings that illustrate the differing ways in which seven is expressed in the crop phenomenon. 


The Danebury Ring formation of 1998. The first exoteric seven-fold formation to appear. Drawing by Michael Glickman

In summary, this is an opportunity to see into the heart of crop circle phenomenon by tracing connections and threads, through the lens of the appearance of seven-fold formations through the years.

We’ll begin looking at the number seven, its meanings and symbolism in both the works of nature and of man. We’ll look at the construction of the seven-fold forms using compass and straight-edge.

We will then go on to explore and draw a number of key seven-crop formations. Looking at how seven is expressed uniquely in each formation. The course will be a fantastic peace of research that everyone can participate in. 



Drawing in the sessions

Nested sevens: The crop circle at Ludgershall, 2021

Participating in the drawing sections of these sessions is not in any way mandatory, you are very welcome just to watch the drawing sections, but drawing the formations really does give you extra insight into their composition and complexity – it’s also very rewarding and fun!

If you would like to draw with the group you’ll need some basic drawing equipment – see below. 

You will also need to be able to set-up your drawing materials in sight of the device you are using to access the sessions. We wouldn’t recommend using a smart phone to access the session if you are wanting join in with the drawing, you’ll need something with a larger screen so that you can see the detail of the drawing process. 

Drawing equipment. 


Notebook and pen/pencil

For the Drawing Sessions:

  • A compass set – we recommend a Helix Precision Plus drawing set.
    (A large bow compass with pen attachment and a smaller compass for smaller circles)


  • A Ruler – at least 30cms – 50cms is best
  • Pencils – HB & H2
  • Paper – Smooth A3 cartridge paper is ideal, or similar size watercolour paper if you want to paint your drawing. 400 x 300mm
  • Eraser
  • Artists tape (or masking tape)
  • A4 Tracing paper
  • Fine-liner pen in black 0.5


  • Fine-liner pens in multi colours (Staedtler Triplus are ideal)
  • Coloured pencils
  • Watercolour paints


Accessing our online events 

It’s Easy!

We will be using the ZOOM app for our online sessions. If you’ve never used ZOOM before don’t worry, we will send you full instructions for downloading and using the app when you book. The ZOOM app is free to download and you will not need a paying account to take part. You can use ZOOM on most devices, we recommend using your PC or laptop for the best view of the presentations. 

Accessing Recordings of our Events

We will be recording each session and they will be made available as downloadable videos via a Google Drive link – for you to enjoy again after the event has concluded.

Booking Your Ticket

Booking is easy. Use the ‘Book Now’ button at the top of the page to purchase your ticket.

You can pay either with your PayPal account or using a credit or debit card. If you have any problems at all, or are not sure about anything you can email us for assistance. We can also send a PayPal request for your tickets if that works better for you. We’re on hand and happy to provide whatever assistance we can.

Tickets for these sessions are £25.00 each

This covers:

  • Each 2-hour online session
  • Access to PDFs of any presentations and materials used in the course
  • Access to video recordings of the sessions


We do have a small number of concessions for those on a low income. Please email us for details. 

What happens when you’ve booked your ticket?

Important Notes:

You will receive an immediate acknowledgement of your booking in an automatic email. After that you will be contacted nearer the time of the commencement of the event with details and links for joining the session. 

In this second email we will also send you information about how to download Zoom and how to use the programme. You will also receive a Zoom Meeting ID number and password which will get you access to the live online sessions. You’ll also get a link to the session Google Drive folder where all the materials for the session will be uploaded.

If you have not heard from us please check your Junk email folder – sometimes these emails can get placed in there in error. You can also add our email address to your contacts/address book in your email program, this will help the emails not be filtered into your Junk folder. Our email address is:


We welcome any questions you might have. Please email us we’ll be pleased to help if we can. 

About your Host

Karen Alexander Karen is a long time circles researcher of over 30 years (1990-present day), who has for many years brought a thoughtful and introspective touch to researching the crop circles. A highly respected and influential speaker and writer, her work seamlessly fuses sacred art, spirituality, psychology and philosophy – the scholarly and the intuitive. Karen is perhaps best known as the writer behind the annually published Crop Circle Year Books (1999 – 2021) and Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders & Mysteries (Arcturus/Bear, 2006 & updated in 2009 & 2013). She is also known for her hand drawn images and paintings of the crop circles which are widely admired and collected. Karen has a background in counselling and psychotherapy and has facilitated and taken part in a number of groups and projects over the last 30 years looking specifically into crop circles and their connection with consciousness.